Saturday, April 29, 2006

The importance of being Idle

Readers, you may or may not remember the post:
Friday, October 21, 2005
Top ten facts about my blog (applicable today, may change though)?

3.My hit counter no longer works and Im to much of a lazy bastard to replace it

well I log on today and after several months of being a blank space that I was too lazy to do anything about the hit counter has been restored by somone else, requiring no effort on my part whatsoever.

A virtual slapped wrist for trev

The picture above has mysteriously appeared in the space on my friends blog that used to contain a photo.Im thinking if your going to give somone a bollocking, take the time to remove the photo from theyre website, and replace it with this fetching little pink number, then the least you can do is spell steal correctly? and I may be pushing it but possible use a capital I to begin the statement aswell?

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Dragged back kicking and screaming

Some mornings I imagine that theres no one in the world but me...its a bit of a selfish fantasy I know, and obviously theres implications such as "where did the rest of humanity go?" or "how will I make sure my shoes match my outfit with no one to ask an opinion of and little or no dress sense of my own?" but they are largley irellevant I suppose, seen as though as the only surviving member of the human race, the only eyes admiring my dress sense would be ones belonging to say.. a sheep, who, it would appear, dont have much of a clue about fashion seen as though woolly pullovers are not uber cool and eau du sheep dip smells like week old dead rat.
Anyway,in this day dream,where by some strange chain of unfortunate events the continuation of the human race is pinned on somone such as myself my first thoughts should be somthing along the lines of hmmmmm, "hunt,gather, find a dwelling", or maybe (a more appealing prospect by far)"move into buckingham palace and see how long it takes you to take a shit in every toilet"
But theyre not..nor are they thoughts such as "oh dear it would appear the human race is soon to be extinct" or "well what an incredibly big waste of time evolution was"
Infact my first thought as the lone survivor of the human race and pioneer of the new world order that I may or may not get round to establishing is this
Up yours Darwin, survival of the fittest my right one.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Bornunder's song.

what could you give that she dosent already have
shes falling you say,she could never stay
When you have seen her is when you start to look
its deeper than this, but how can you risk?
why would she ask when shes not sure what she needs
she cant see it through, shes slipping from you
you try to grip, but you hold nothing but air
sliding abyss her names on your lips
shes smiling but
shes laughing and why?

Shes smiling again,
its not in her eyes,
how can she sleep?
why does she try?
But she always laughs at the most terrible things
She thinks its better than never laughing at all.
shes smiling again
she says its better than not laughing at all.

Youd never know but shes lost,shes not coming back
remember her name? shes gone all the same
time changes nothing but distance changes the soul
would you stay where you are, when shes come so far?
numb from the inside,but alive and fighting again
not following dreams, but drifting it seems
She diddnt ask but she took and gave nothing back
she paid for it twice, her own sacrifice
shes smiling but
shes laughing and why?

Shes smiling again,
its not in her eyes,
how can she sleep?
why does she try?
But she always laughs at the most terrible things
She thinks its better than never laughing at all.
shes smiling again
she says its better than not laughing at all.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Bornunder Heads South


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What Bornunder and Gracie wake up to

Somtimes, I open my eyes after a hectic night on the town, and I tell myself..."Bornunder...its about time you knocked the sambuka chasers on the head..."

Vestery Steve or Robinson Crusoe?

Despite playing Girl friday in my senior school production of robinson crusoe I cant think of a snigle witty comment for this photo...which is a shame.....

Cousin IT Drinks Pint

in an entirley unrelated incident in a different part of the evening,I put my glasses on backwards and pretend to drink a pint through the back of my head...much to the amusment of well...myself really

*Put a STELLA Smile on your face*(on a monday?why not?)

Bornunder and Gracie sitting in a tree...
This is the beast of a car!

Bornunder gets stellar..and sees stars

Glasses,Hair,Pout...Bornunder, the Vouge edition

Whats better looking? car or Driver...bornunder prefers the driver

Gracie and Bornunder apres stella sesh and lada adventure

Candle Wax and Crevice Tools

"Even if I was to blow Id still suck better than that" ...I was at the time, refering of course to the Blue dustbuster's feeble attempts at clearing the salt that had once again been "accidentally" emptied out of it.
The "the instructions" states Fran "say you should not attempt to hoover up anything that is on fire, or any liquids"
Fairly safe with salt then I consider to myself.
Bornunder smiles at this idiot proof instruction which does beg the question, what sort of moron needs to be warned against attempting to use a hand held vacum cleaner to extinguish a flame, or mop up a spill.
However her question was not to go unanswred, as later that same evening, Fran suggests "put it near the candle to see if it makes the flame go out"
if anyone is now wondering what the outcome of this was, I wont keep you in suspense...the candle did indeed go out, but not before the dustbuster had ingested a healthy dose of liquid hot wax that had collected (as melted candle wax is wont to do) around the burning wick.
So I guess that answers the question on what sort of complete headcase would require guidance on what to, and what not to shove in the crevice tool of a dustbuster.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Bornunder wonders...

Where on earth did the boy from croydon in the club, who wanted to dance and got told to go home, get his good pikey shoes from....?
maybe from this useful website which I insist you visit and marvel at its pointlessness
This is my virtual pet
it would eat your virtual pets
for its virtual fucking breakfast
adopt your own virtual pet!