Thursday, April 27, 2006

Dragged back kicking and screaming

Some mornings I imagine that theres no one in the world but me...its a bit of a selfish fantasy I know, and obviously theres implications such as "where did the rest of humanity go?" or "how will I make sure my shoes match my outfit with no one to ask an opinion of and little or no dress sense of my own?" but they are largley irellevant I suppose, seen as though as the only surviving member of the human race, the only eyes admiring my dress sense would be ones belonging to say.. a sheep, who, it would appear, dont have much of a clue about fashion seen as though woolly pullovers are not uber cool and eau du sheep dip smells like week old dead rat.
Anyway,in this day dream,where by some strange chain of unfortunate events the continuation of the human race is pinned on somone such as myself my first thoughts should be somthing along the lines of hmmmmm, "hunt,gather, find a dwelling", or maybe (a more appealing prospect by far)"move into buckingham palace and see how long it takes you to take a shit in every toilet"
But theyre not..nor are they thoughts such as "oh dear it would appear the human race is soon to be extinct" or "well what an incredibly big waste of time evolution was"
Infact my first thought as the lone survivor of the human race and pioneer of the new world order that I may or may not get round to establishing is this
Up yours Darwin, survival of the fittest my right one.


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