Saturday, May 21, 2005

a lesson in welsh

thwath thalck schite

if only Id have known it was that easy.
extract four letters from each word to translate to easy to read english.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Bornunder Matures

Today I super glued a pound coin to the floor....
then sat and watched students scrabble over each other to try and pick it up.

stirling entertainment.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

TV is Gooder than Books

I am currently in wales visiting a friend at university, and upon finding myself in lampeters seat of learning with a few spare minutes I did the right thing And attempted ed-u-cate myself...
not much of a philopsipher (my opinion on the subject being
"hmmmm, isnt the whole point of philosiphy that the questions you ask have no real answers?" philosipher replys "yes" kirsty quite reasonably draws the conclusion "well, theres not much point in asking them is there") and also being even less of an archeologist (who wants to dig, when you can....well...not dig for instance) I decided to investigate this universitys other specialist area, History.
During my self taught history lesson I have discovered the following:

Kirstys history paper
Kirsty-anne Crossley aged 22 and a quarter

*subject:Forgotten English*
*section:Words that were once used and now arent*
*project: to reintroduce these corkers back into the english launguage*

- mannerless belly god or glutton.
fat fuck.
-person, male or female who used tricks to decive others, often for financial gain
and finally, the one word I feel the english were wrong (ha ha were wrong!) to forget...


(pronounced Frig-er-if-ick)-adjective borrowed directly from Latin as late as the mid 1600's that denoted cooling,freezing or cold producing.frigidarium a cooling room adjecent to a roman bath


so next time you feel the studenty urge to describe somthing as cool, please remember frigerifick, and bring back this forgotten jem of historical language.
or dont, and let the loss of our great english heritage rest heavily upon your ignorant shoulders.

*Bibliography* forgotten knowledge english cards published by pomegrante box 6099 rohnert park ca 94927 copy right to jeffery kacirk, and read aloud to me whilst applying my make up by aaron*

*disclsmer, my apparent inability to spell or construct sentences accurately is soley for the purpose of adding a touch or irony to this post, and to piss off any english grad fucks who go mental over punctuation.,
errors...hi fran*
This is my virtual pet
it would eat your virtual pets
for its virtual fucking breakfast
adopt your own virtual pet!