Monday, November 27, 2006

Another astounding top ten from Bornunder

Today, top ten things I hate about my job

10. My boss is under the impression that he is a desireable,attractive,nubile young man and acts towards me as if this is, infact the case. he is infact a badly dressed balding arrogant middle aged tossbag with no ability to interact socially with other human beings without being condecsending
9. My co-workers vary between mind blowingly dull shades of grey to suffering hyperactivity attention defecit disorder, with no pleasing middle ground in between
8. Ive been working there several weeks, the directors desk is less than four feet away from me and he is clearly visible to me from my desk,as I am him. He knows this yet he has not yet had the decency or good manners to introduce himself to me.
7.I have recently discovered that although my male colleauges are doing exactly the same job as me, I am getting paid around 2-4 grand a year less than them. A revelation which further supports my earlier theroy that my boss is infact a shameless chauvanistic swine who is under the very false impression that female time is less valuble than the male equivalent. However, the machismo loving pillock running the recruitment process has unwittingly hired a bunch of girls,as despite being the only female member of a 7 strong team I am still the only person in the office who does not wear pink to work on a regular basis.which leads me nicely on to number 6...
6.All the blokes (and I use the word blokes in its loosest possible terms)I work with wear pink/lilac/powder blue shirt and tie combos on a near daily basis, and spend most of the day arguing amongst themselves over wether it is acceptable for straight men to wear such girly colours, I am of course disqaulified from this conversation as screaming in their faces "YOU LOOK LIKE A TRANNY IN A WIND TUNNEL YOU FAT SACK OF SHIT" ruins everyones fun.
5.My fellow staff are under the impression that the very essence of hilarity is logging onto computers using other each others user accounts to send obscene e-mails under assumed identities which usually contain graphic speculations about which employees are currently performing homosexual acts on each other in the carpark. They all complain about this, and yet none have the good sense to change their password to prevent a re-occourence.
4.It takes me over an hour to commute there in the morning, I usually have to stand for around 20 minutes in the pissing rain and cold surrounded by grumpy fuckers who also dont want to go to work,I can NEVER get a seat, I have to get a train and a bus and walk for half an hour to get to work come rain wind or shine, but if I am late by a fraction of a second, Im hauled up for a disciplineary.
3.My managers idea of building team morale is forcing us into doing compulsary unpaid overtime every day to give us ample oppertunity to spend more time in each others company so we can learn to despise each other that little bit more with every second that passes.
2.I hate most of my fellow team members, the people who surround me for over 9 out of every 24 hours whom I am in constant and unavoidable contact with are tossers of the very highest order.
1.every second I spend there is a second I could spend doing somthing less soul destroying than working all day for a lesser wage than my male colleauges who I hate, lining the pockets of a company director who cant even be arsed to walk four feet accross the room and introduce himself to me.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Bornunder wants one

A hug...I want a hug

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Myspace debut

Bornunder hits myspace

This was the most annoying thing Ive ever tried to do it took me hours just to get a crappy profile done. we love the simplicity of blogger

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Bogey Man on The Bus

Commuting in London can be at times a pretty traumatic experience, and I for one have had a number of unplesant encounters with societys odd balls from time to time, but today was most definitely, by a long way the most horrific of them all.
My bus journey lasts approximately 30 minutes, longer if the traffic is bad, which it inveriably is thanks to the eternal roadworks at Mill Hill.(estimated completion some time after the trillenium)
Today's bus was particuarly busy, so I was unfortunately forced to sit next to a fellow passanger. Usually I avoid this at all costs, but on this occassion I saw a relatively normal looking slightly overweight gent on the front seat and considering that he had no obvious lunatic tendencies (he wasnt chewing on a half eaten hedgehog, or waving a gun around) I hedged my bets and took a seat.
A few moments later I was dusturbed by a gentle repetetive prodding in my side, at first I studiously ignored it, as all good commuters ignore socially unacceptable behaviour from fellow passengers, I concentrated on my metro and gave it a reading it would never forget, but a few minutes late the prodding haddnt ceased, so after a small internal debate I tenatively glanced in the direction of the prodder.
It was only then the full extent of my error of judgment became apparent.
at first I tried sneaking the odd glance out of the corner of my eye, not sure I could trust what my brain was attempting to convince me I was seeing, but after a while my discrecsion was forgotten and I was openly gawping at the sequence of events unfolding beside me.(for those of you who are still wondering, yes at this point I am still being prodded in the ribs)
His forefinger was up his nostril to the middle joint, rooting and digging, every few seconds he would remove the finger, examine the nose produce attached to it and smile.
He would then slowly and deliberately roll it aroung between the thumb and forefinger un till it was quite spherical...and then...he reached to his belly and added the bogey to another larger spherical snot ball that was resting on his belly.
We arent talking a golf ball sized bogey construction, but this was impressive none the less, this ball of blacky green nose crap was at least this size of a b.b gun pellet.
My immediate reaction was disgust...shortly followed by long had he been building this ball of bogies?..had he produced all that during this short journey or does he carry this project with him and add to it at every oppertunity?
He picked his nose solidly for the whole bus journey..I had to move seats because my gag reflex kicked in on his behalf when he pulled out a long stringy cocktail of congealed stuff and luiquid mucus, and yet even from accross the bus I could still see this animal mining for construction resources and building on his sphere of snot. almost 40 minutes in I could not bear to watch any more, and the people sat near me were beggining to notice that I was making involuntary "hurp" and "burrrhg" noises as I tried to suppress my urge to vomit. I even attempted to video him picking his nose as I felt youtube would benefit from this input, but unfortunately the footage was shite becasue I was desperatley trying not to hurl, whats worse is I dont even know how this story ends, whether he took the gargantuan bogey with him,flicked it on the floor, or if he ever stopped picking his nose, as I had to get off the bus..this story has a happy ending though...all london busses have all I have to do is claim an incident on that journey and I assume I can get a copy, and guess whos in front of the camera?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Look out Fogle

Theres a second gunman on the grassy knoll, and he hates fucking longleat park too fuckface!!!
This is my virtual pet
it would eat your virtual pets
for its virtual fucking breakfast
adopt your own virtual pet!