Friday, September 24, 2004

another complaint about supermarkets

Last night I saw an went like this.

white screen with some food of some discription on,voice over

"This is a great big thankyou to everyone who shops at tesco's....and a big shameless please to those who dont"

now lets imagine that everyone in the great british public decided that tesco's have said pretty please nicely enough to get their custom and suddenly everyone decided to do their regular shop at tescos,this is what would happen.

white screen with some bloodstained broccoli florets on it, voice over

"This is a great big thankyou for the massive influx of custom we wasn't expecting and cannot supply...and a big shamless please stop panic buying and assulting each other and our staff"


Blogger Frances Overbury BA(hons) Dip. CMIT MIMIT said...

wots yr email address dagnammit?

1:46 PM  

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