Monday, September 06, 2004

My tights

I think tights were quite possibly designed by a power hungry bloke to remind women of theyre status as the weaker sex.
I mean think about it,when was the last time your tights or indeed stockings, knee highs, or pop socks stood up to anything more strenuous than a nice walk in your dinky little womanshoes (with gynormous six inch stilleto heels to make your dinky lillte womanlegs look longer and your (hopefully)partially dinky womanarse look smaller.
did you ever wear your tights for a night out on the piss and not ladder them?
did you ever rush because you were late to work and not ladder them?
did you ever do a spot of shopping and not ladder them?
Now you think about it did you ever leave the house and not ladder them?

Diddnt think so.
So heres my worry,I probably on average ladder my tights and stockings at least once per wear,normally Im able to get away with a small ladder twice as I tend to wear flesh coloured tights and stockings and so on that match my legs as much as possible (because I know by the end of the day Ill have a hole in them)
Im too paranoid to leave the house in a skirt without some form of leg cover,and daily leg shaving isnt always possible,and waxing?well waxing as we know hurts like Iam doomed to either,
de-sex myself and feel less feminine by wearing manky suit trousers to work,which (seen as though Im not yet rich enough to have a tailor) are always a couple of inches too short/long/wide/narrow/crap/never fit right/generally make me look like a sack of shit with a rope round it.
Or I have the option of wearing a long leg covering skirt (to go with the impending blue rinse perm and set that all below the ankle skirts command)
Or I can wear tights providing Im a good girl who dosent leave the house and I take them off when I scrub the floors.
Call me fussy but Im none to keen on any of the above.
I once even brought a pair of supposedly ladder proof stockings from sparks.turned out they were big enough and thick enough to sleep in.pretty much like a pair of black thigh high socks.I gave them to my mum (who used them to make toys for her cats)
so thanks alot all controlling man of tight design,god forbid Id want to earn a living,pay my bills,walk my dog of an evening,go out and get slaughtered and fall in a heap in the street and vomit from time to time.
Im going to burn my fucking cant hold me down any longer!


Blogger Frances Overbury BA(hons) Dip. CMIT MIMIT said...

only ever a socks n sandals girl myself so i can't really empathise or think of a solution for your impossible strife sorry

9:42 AM  
Blogger Frances Overbury BA(hons) Dip. CMIT MIMIT said...

hey go see my new doodleboard its cool yeah and its got a smiley of mrT i aint gettin on no plane fool yeah! :)

9:51 AM  
Blogger khemystri said...

Just happened upon your blog.... Like it so far.

Now, never having worn stockings, I can't exactly sympathize with you, but I burn major holes in my socks... (i dont know how it happens)
Its starts with a tiny hole near the little piggy and by the third or fouth straight week of wearing them, they look like f*#king leg warmers.

Maybe I should try changing my socks TWICE a month...... LOL

Check me out @


6:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well why dont you try wearing 60 denier Black opaque tights..?

7:08 PM  

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