Friday, September 03, 2004

I want to be a hairdresser when I grow up

durning my 25 min stroll to work this morning I noticed somthing very odd infact I was pretty suprised it had previously escaped my attention.(however I probably shouldnt have been for people like me who dont begin to function untill theyve been awake 15 hours missing the odd minor detail here and there is common practice)
On my way to work this morning I passed a grand total of 12 hair salons!!! this you will understand is me discounting the two men only places which arent technically salons but barbers instead.By the by though as it is 12 fucking hair salons?in one 25 min walk,to put this in perspective my route to work dosent involve more than five different streets in total.bowbridge road,balderton gate(populated by at least 4 salons with a new one just opened) market square street whos name no one knows slaughter house lane,walk over.
How the fuck did they manage to squeeze twelve salons in that space?My sister owns a hair salon and when I was little I wanted to be a hairdresser,then after realising you have to spend six years on your feet for 15 hours a day sweeping up other peoples scalp discharge for £2.30 an hour before theyll even let you pick up a hairbrush,I to that I cant be arsed.So Im suprised that a small town like this can produce enough staff stupid enough to want to go through that rigmarole for the sake of a lifetime of multicoloured fingers,bleach spots on clothes,loss of limb through scissor misdirection and an endless flow of shit conversations about other peoples holidays.
I digress,my intentions were clear then I began worrying about the staffing problems facing these salons,allow me to get back to my point.I have looked in the phone book for a rough idea of the number of salons in newark alone ( a town with a population of 30'000) and theres somthing in the region of 2o0 salons.this means that assuming everyone in the whole town goes to a salon at some point theres an average of 150 customers each.Hair dosent grow fast enough for 150 customers to provide a good profit.So how is it that all the owners of theese salons are loaded (including my sister who rarley lends me a tenner despite her BMW?)
it pisses me off.
but by far the most infuriating thing is that despite my 12 salon walk this morning.I also saw no less than three mullets,two pudding basins and 27 permed blue rinses (as seen on your gran)
Now thats what we in the corporate world call "wasted resources"


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