Friday, September 17, 2004


I had a dream last night that I was in an airport terminal in america waiting to catch a flight home.(strange seen as though Im to scared of flying to even contemplate the hours of air time it would take me to get to the USA)
anyway.I dreamt a strange man showed me a storage cellar and then when we came back up a female suicide bomber had detonated a bomb in the main terminal?or maybe the departure lounge? who knows,Im not up on airport lingo.anywaylots of people were dead and there was loads of crazy shit and lots of americans.and I ran accross the terminal and walked through some double doors into a bar that was completely upper class english with two staff and no customers and it was massive.all polished mahogany and chandeleersAnd the two staff were wearing tux's and were very old school know the type "oh that old boy?good show!" and so on.
One side of the bar I was in was glass which faced onto the carnage of the bomb wrecked airport (like the bar was built onto the side and you could see in on what was happening) but all I could hear was englishy posho piano music and glasses being chinked and so on.then in the end it turned out that the bomb the woman had strapped to herself was filled with millet seed or somthing bird seedy with explosives and that there were people bqanging against the glass trying to get into the bar where I was sat trying to use the phone.
I woke up confused.
If anyone knows what the fuck that was all about then please feel free to comment at the bottom and evaluate my messy inner psyche.


Blogger Frances Overbury BA(hons) Dip. CMIT MIMIT said...

let us just hope it isn't prophetic... i'll check my dream book dictionary 4 u :)

10:02 AM  
Blogger khemystri said...

On the rare occasion I dream, I have dreams like that...
Always intense, dead bodies, dead babies, animals...

I usually have to step on the bodies to get where i'm going... I hate it. Don't understand these dreams considering i'm not a violent guy. Maybe it's an American thing.... LOL


1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings bornunder I was looking for dream symbol information and I landed on your pages. While dream was not excatly what I was looking for , I like your blog Great Stuff. I'll bookmark it for future visits. If you have time check out dream symbol , Ok thanks for the read , take care.

3:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings bornunder it's rather cold here today, but summer is comming to our part of the world soon. I was looking for the latest most up to date information on dream symbol and I landed on your page. Although dream is not an exact match I can see why I ended up here while looking for dream symbol Great stuff thanks for the where did I put that surf board !

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi bornunder it never ceases to amaze me how creative people are, especailly the young ones, gives me hope for the future. Anyway I was looking for information on dream book and landed on your page. I was looking more for dream book so dream wasn't an exact match but I enjoyed reading your posts. Take Care. I'll bookmark your blog for future.

4:22 PM  

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