Tuesday, April 12, 2005

in the dark

electric cards.
for my fans on a global level, here in england, those of us who have bollox electric companies have to buy electric cards, you pay for them, put them in the machine, then on comes your electric...by the same principal if you dont buy the card,pay for it, put it in the machine...then suprise!!... off goes your electric.
fantastically simple you cry, what a great system!no bills, no hassle, no direct debits of cheques...a belter of an idea.
Id agree with that..providing that every retailer in the country who sells the fucking cards diddnt shut at 10 pm, and not reopen untill the following morning.
basically the point Im getting towards is, if youre machine ticks all the money off the card at 10.05pm...you will be walking round in the dark tripping over things untill daylight the following morning...unless you go to sleep..which is easily done providing you arent scared of the dark (or in my case, providing you dont own to dogs who are) some of us have candles...another fantastic solution to the electric pre pay situation...providing your home insurance company is sympathetic and your smoke alarm batteries have been tested at some point in the last twelve years.(niether of those statements, I hasten to add...are applicable to me)
I know that none of this is in the slightest bit important to anyone who is fortunate enough to have an electricity supplier thats main goal is to actually ensure their customers DO have a supply of the blue spark that powers their appliances, however, Id like to gripe about it a bit anyway.
I suppose what Im trying to say is if theres anyone out there who fancies cosy candlelit nights in....by the hundred...then I guess as somone who frequently has them...wheter by choice or not...Im the girl for you. Drop me a line, and providing I have a match to read the letter by (or my house hasnt burnt down around me, taking all my worldly possessions with it including my note book and pens) Im sure Ill get back to you.


Blogger Frances Overbury BA(hons) Dip. CMIT MIMIT said...

found my mob, yeah! :o) thought you'd like to know.

2:48 PM  
Blogger khemystri said...

Let me explain to you how wonderful
the United State of America is.....

Firstly, we have our electric turned on..... We essentially subscribe to the electric company... They expect that you pay on a monthly basis.. but will
let you slide 3 or 4 months without paying.... then they shut you off, until you pay your bill...

But the beauty is... they arent allow to shut it off during severe winter months, so hypothetically they will allow you to have electric for 6 straight months...

Then, they shut you off in Spring, and then they dump you in collections for the full amount...

I've paid $1,400....
cause i'm stupid....


2:17 AM  

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